Fab-Form Zont Bracing System for Vertivally & Horizontally Straight ICF Wall Construction in Oklahoma

Fab-Form Bracing System for ICF Wall Construction in OKCStraight walls are critical in home construction and even more crucial when working with Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) & Concrete construction. Fab-Form has designed a Bracing System that keeps ICF walls plumb & straight both horizontally and vertically. 

The Zont Bracing System utilizes 2 components to accommodate wall alignment not only vertically but horizontally as well:

  • Zont Twist™ Bracket 
  • Zuckle™ Wall Aligner 

The Zont ICF Wall Bracing System then allows you to use standard, site available 2 x 4s and not have to worry about heavy metal vertical bracing. Get a free quotation for Fab-Form's Zont Bracing System here - Contact ICF & More OK and Get an initial Free Consultation or Quote.

 Get My Free Quote for Zont Bracing

Benefits of the Zont Bracing System:

  • Flatter walls: straightens horizontally and vertically
  • Economical: 10% the cost of vertical bracing
  • Lightweight: 8% the weight of vertical bracing
  • Adaptable: brace stem walls or tall walls
  • Green Building Product: use site available 2x4s
  • Portable: 12 ‘braces’ fit in 5 gallon bucket
  • OSHA Compliant  

How the Zont Bracing System Works:

Zont Twist Bracket

The Zont Twist™ locks the 2x4 walers and strongbacks against the ICF wall to flatten the wall horizontally and vertically. The plastic cam is twisted counterclockwise to quickly lock the lumber, reducing the installation time by one half. The cam is designed so that any wall settlement will tighten the lumber against the wall.

The supports consist of a sheet metal attachment flange, 1/2" diameter threaded adjuster and an injection-molded plastic foot pad.

Fab-Form Zont Bracing System for ICF Wall Construction - Zont Twist Bracket for Oklahoma

Zuckle™ Wall Aligner

Finally. A wall aligner specifically designed for ICF walls. Only 3.6 pounds, just half the weight of conventional turnbuckles. And fast adjustment with an electric drill. 

Fab-Form Zont Bracing System for ICF Wall Construction - Zuckle Wall Aligner for Oklahoma


Fab-Form Zont Bracing Installation Guide for ICF Wall Construction Under 6'

Fab-Form Installation Guide for ICF Wall Construction under 6' - ICF & More Oklahoma

 Download the Zont Bracing Installation Guide <6' 

Fab-Form Zont Bracing Installation Guide for ICF Wall Construction Over 6' 

Fab-Form Installation Guide for ICF Wall Construction Over 6' - ICF & More Oklahoma