Who is Insulated Concrete Forms & More, LLC, Oklahoma?

ICF Energy Efficient & Tornado Resistant Concrete Construction with Quad-Lock Insulated Concrete Forms & More Oklahoma City OK

Our Mission

Our mission is simple, “Conduct ourselves and our business in such a way as to please and bring glory and honor to God.” Through quality business practices and a mutual respect of our fellow man, our goal is to do our very best for our clients and all those who help our business to achieve success. “Were it not for the grace of God, and the diligent service of others, nothing of a meaningful accomplishment would be possible.”

What Makes Us Different? 

At Insulated Concrete Forms & More, we are always looking for ways to trim material and construction costs from building with insulated concrete forms. In 2014 we added a door and window buck fabrication shop that would allow us to design, build and ship prefabricated door and window bucks to the jobsite. This same year, we started replacing most tradition steel rebar with Helix® Micro Rebar Concrete Reinforcement to further reduce time and material cost, while also increasing strength. But we didn’t stop there... 

ICF Builder Training Techniques with ICFs and concrete by Insulated Concrete Forms & MoreSix times a year we advertise and offer a Basic ICF Installation class to train interested Parties on how to work and build with ICFs and how to become a qualified professional ICF installer. Our goal is to produce a minimum of 5 professional installation crews per year to meet the ever rising demand for Oklahoma’s new ICF constructed projects. By educating and training professional installation crews to meet the demand of the growing ICF market in Oklahoma, projects will be priced more fairly and be completed in a more timely fashion.  

Additionally, because ICFs are not currently an inspected system by most Municipal Building Code Inspectors, we offer free training classes to help educate Municipal Inspection teams in and around Oklahoma and are lobbying to require that all current and future ICF projects meet minimum standards practiced by The American Concrete Institute (ACI) by having inspections prior to the placement of concrete into the ICF forms.  

Our goal at Insulated Concrete Forms & More is to be the very benchmark for professionalism in the ICF industry in Oklahoma, to bring more product awareness to the Oklahoma marketplace, and to prevent needless deaths by reducing the amount of damage to homes, business and public use buildings when nature turns ugly.

Building with ICF and Concrete gives you the StrongestSafest and Most Energy Efficient Home - Period! We are the only Building in Oklahoma to Pay your Heating and Cooling costs for a Year to Prove it! Find out more about our "We Pay Your Heating and Cooling Costs for a Year" Program here...

Find out why Insulated Concrete Forms & More are the ICF Building experts in OklahomaContact Insulated Concrete Forms & More and see what makes us different.